Helpful Reminders

  • Be Respectful: As part of the UMD campus community, we are all expected to make others feel welcome. Goal 2 of UMD's strategic plan is to create a positive and inclusive campus climate for all by advancing equity, diversity and social justice.
  • Name Badges: Please wear your name badge for your on-campus classes. If you need a new or replacement name badge, there is a sign-up sheet on the table outside Kirby Plaza 303. A new badge will be made and placed on the table within one week.
  • Accessible Seating: Please leave the two end tables closest to the classroom doors in Kirby Plaza 309 and 311 open for those with limited mobility. They are marked with a reserved sign. 
  • Classroom noise: Please remember to silence your cell phones if you are attending classes on campus. If you are attending online study groups, please remain muted unless you wish to share.
  • Food Policy: Please remember there is no food allowed in the classrooms on campus. This is a UMD campus-wide policy. Drinks are acceptable in covered containers.